Saturday, September 8, 2007

BMk Production Day 2

Today was our second day of production on Black Market Kidneys. And what a pooch screw it was, too. We started with close ups of Mick (Owen Higdon) to get him loosened up, while we waited for everyone else to arrive. ONce Sarai and our extras arrived we began filming the main scenes. The scene with Sarai wasn't scripted. After looking at the other stuff we'd shot, Jason and I decided we needed more to Ava's story. So we decided to open the movie with Ava getting picked up by the killer. Although, we see it from the Claudia's POV so the audience won't know who it is. We knew from before that (Name Deleted) is incapable of improvising, so we had Trent double for her, we'll just mess with the voice track later. It turned out well. Then (Name Deleted) showed up and everything went to shit again. It started when our 1st A. D., Catherine, told me (Name Deleted) wouldn't sign the release form. We'd meant to get everyone to sign them at the house, but since we weren't able to get in until late and were in our groove by the time (Name Deleted) showed up, so it was the last thing on our minds. But I made sure to get Catherine to have everyone sign them today. (Name Deleted) was acting like it was a contract (it's not) and wouldn't sign until she had her manager look it over. It's just a release form giving us permission to use her voice and likeness in relation to the showing, distribution, filming and advertising of Black Market Kidneys. She's making a big deal over nothing. If she's so worried about it, she should have consulted with him prior to taking the part. If she doesn't sign it, then we don't have a movie and all of their time will be wasted. Needless to say, I was not in the best of moods and in no way wanted to speak or look at her. But being the director and playing a character who has to talk to her for the entire sequence, I had no choice. Since there's nothing in the form (Name Deleted) should have an issue signing, Jason and I decided to go ahead and film. I wanted to get all of (Name Deleted) scenes out of the way, so we could get her out; because she brought down the atmosphere of the entire set, but of course, she kept screwing up, so we had to do take after take to get something we could use. We took a break and Joe called me over to the table he was sitting at with Mike, Countess, and Trent. They asked me what was up with (Name Deleted) They didn't know about the release form thing and still thought she was a bitch, just from the way she acted and her attitude. And here I thought it was just me. Joe also said that it seemed like she was trying to tell us what to do. We finally got her out of there and finished off all that we needed. What an aggravating day!

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