Wednesday, September 12, 2007

BMK Problems Update 2

Heard back from (name deleted) today. She said she's "not comfortable with giving up her rights"

What rights? Does she think she somehow owns this movie? Did she write it? Did she direct it? Did she put money in to it? Did she do anything but act terribly and be a major pain in our asses? No! All we did was ask her to sign a simple release form I got from the good folks at, that says she agrees to let us use her image and voice as it pertains to Black Market Kidneys. And she writes back talking about contracts.

I had no choice but to go Medieval on her buttocks.

Here is my response to her e-mail:

First of all, it is not a contract. You are not giving up any rights to yourself or your image. It is simply a release form allowing us to use your likeness for Black Market Kidneys and only Black Market Kidneys and its publicity. There is no contractual aspect of the release form nor is it implied.
Everyone else in the film has signed it and have not expressed any concerns with it. I received the release form from the Independent Film Channel. They require all films submitted to them to include the release form I gave you; it is not something that I came up with on my own.
I will need a digital copy of the signed release form e-mailed to me no later than noon, Friday September 14th 2007. I need to receive the original release form, signed by you, in the mail no later than Wednesday, September 19 2007.
If I do not receive the digital copy at the requested time I will assume that you are no longer interested in appearing in this production and will re-shoot the Claudia scenes with someone else."

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