Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Production Emergency

We were all set to begin production on Black Market Kidneys tonight at Le Carpathian. Then I get an e-mail this morning from (name deleted) saying she has to drop out of the movie because she just found out she got a paying gig as a back up dancer for some Brazilian rap star the world has never heard of and probably never will.

There are a few issues with this, other than the obvious one of her dropping out the day we were set to film.

First of all, she didn't just find out about it. Thanks to the wonders of MySpace Comments, I was able to discover that (Name Deleted) knew about it a week ago. And secondly, the show isn't until the end of September, and we'll be done long before then, so there is now conflict whatsoever. Now we have to go crawling to (Name Deleted) and hope she'll take the part after we turned her down. I did it nicely, though, saying we liked her talent her audition, but didn't want to waste her talent on this small of a film.

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