Friday, August 31, 2007

Black Market Kidneys Production Day 1

We began production today on our first "professional" film, Black Market Kidneys. Jason and I had to pick some stuff up, so we left early and arrived at the house way before we were scheduled. Eventually our cast and crew began to arrive. Mike, one of the guys who built the house we're filming in, said he's out of town and would get someone to open the house up. It turned out to be his father and brother, who showed up an hour late because they had to pick someone up from the airport. Mike's brother, Joe, was driving and walked up first. He's tall, with a beefy build like a linebacker, His look is completed by a closely cropped mohawk. He reminds me of a cross between a bulldog and a grizzly bear. Their father, John, is shorter, but has the stocky build of a retired pro wrestler, and the grizzled look of a weathered sea captain. They swirled through the house like a hurricane, opening doors and turning on lights. Then, just as quickly, they were gone, leaving no destruction in their wake, no sign that they'd even been there. While Catherine worked on getting the white make up on Sarai, the rest of us worked on filming the scenes in the house with Ben (me) alone. This took awhile, but Catherine had not finished the make up. It wasn't her fault, but the fault of cheap liquid make up and having to cover an entire body on her own, so the rest of us pitched in. Some sight that must have been: four guys and a girl, circled around a woman in nothing but a bra and panties, hurriedly trying to apply make up. Once Sarai was sufficiently covered in make up, we moved down to the basement to film Ava's scenes. Once we put Sarai in the tub of ice, the make up began to come off. Other than that, things went smoothly and we got into our groove. Then (Name Deleted) showed up and everything went to hell. The look on her face as she followed me down to the basement said it all, "What did I get myself in to?" Gone was the friendly woman at the auditions; she'd been replaced with a cold and bitter non-person. One would think she'd be impressed by the house. She really ground filming down to a crawl with her bad acting. She would mess up takes by forgetting a line and or not doing an action correctly after I showed her exactly how I wanted it done. We trudged through it though, and got Sarai's stuff done so we could get her out of there, then we moved upstairs to film my scenes with (Name Deleted), and things really got bad. In the basement, Claudia has only about one line, but upstairs she has to actually carry on a conversation. Again she'd botch lines and every take her acting sucked. And she wouldn't carry on the character after her line was finished. After she delivered the line, like immediately after, she expected us to say cut. We can't do that cause we need the frames for editing, otherwise it'll cut too close to the line and either cut off part of it or make the cut choppy when putting it together with a reverse for Ben's lines. But as soon as she completed the last sentence, she would freeze, murdering the moment. We didn't finish with her until around midnight and we started with her around 6:30 pm, even earlier with Sarai. So Jason and I had been there a long, long time. And we had to go back and reshoot some of the scenes with me on the second floor room so the light would match up with what we shot with (Name Deleted). I was pissed because it took longer that it should have and the bitch is messing up our movie!

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