Friday, February 8, 2008

Bunnyman Auditions

We had auditions today at the Groveland Library for The Bunnyman.

The day went ok, because a lot of people scheduled didn't show up, and we didn't have a lot of people show up that fit all of the parts we have.

We had one good prospect for Sheriff Hooper. His name is David Scott and for his audition he came up with an original monologue as Hooper. He ended it with "...a man as evil as Cotton Peters." It's a big deal to us because Hooper as a line in the movie referring to Cotton Peters as "Evil, pure evil." and he hasn't even read the script. It's like kismet or something.

Don't have a lot of prospects for Jayme, though. There was one actress, who sort of reminds me of a young Meg Ryan, so she'd be good for Jayme, but she's also the only one who showed up who's willing to take her top off, so right now she's our top choice for Kat or Lita.

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