Yes, film fans, it looks as though the evil paparazzi have for once done some good by capturing on film the newest member of the FSA (Future Stalkers' Association). The photo shows a pudgy teenage boy running toward Megan Fox (star of Transformers and my favorite episode of Two and a Half Men) shoving a thorny yellow rose in her face. Could this be considered a deadly weapon? Like Ms. Fox's breasts, it is capable of poking someone's eyes out.
Now, Ms. Fox has taken some nasty hits for this supposed snub; but let's face it, wouldn't you look the other way if you saw that kid running at you with a potentially harmful object? Hell, I'd run from that kid even if he wasn't holding a rose full of thorns.
All the sites reporting this incident say that Megan was just "horrified" about dissing the kid; well I for one think she should be more horrified about what this brat does late at night under his sheets while thinking of her. Uck and shiver my friends, cause I'm sure it ain't pretty.
Obviously this boy has not yet learned what his older, wiser, and reformed (or at least we pretend we are) compatriots discovered a long time ago: Beautiful women are like classic cars; nice to look at, but are a big pain in the ass.
So thank you members of the paparazzo, for alerting the world of this future stalker. And ladies, if you ever see this face
headed your way, run. Run far and run fast.